"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."

Dr. Seuss,"The Lorax"

Coca ColaMore info
Rank #1 Highest Producer of Plastic Wasteclose

  • Coca Cola produces 3m tonnes of plastic packaging per year, which amounts to 200,000 bottles per minute, resulting in them being the biggest culprit in production of plastic waste.

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PepsiMore info
Rank #2 Highest Producer of Plastic Wasteclose

Pepsi produces 69m tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents, 26% resulting from packaging ranking them as the second biggest contributer to plastic waste.

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NestleMore info
Rank #3 Highest Producer of Plastic Wasteclose

Nestle produced about 1.7m tonnes of plastic in 2018 alone putting them in 3rd place for companies who contribute the most to the pile up of plastic waste.

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DanoneMore info
Rank #4 Highest Producer of Plastic Wasteclose

Danone produced 750,000 tonnes of annual plastic waste leaving them in 4th place for companies who contribute the most to plastic waste.

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